C-130 [LGTS]

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C-130 [LGTS]

Post by yami_jordi » Mon May 26, 2014 11:00 am

Hello, I'm the guy who wrote on facebook and I just registered an account here, as advised. Thessaloniki is my favourite FSX scenery, I want to congratulate you on a job magnificently done. Now, on to my questions:

I know for a fact that all greek C-130s are stationed at Elefsis outside of Athens. I want to know if there's a way to get rid of the C-130 without removing the rest of the statics.

The other thing that seems a bit weird is the way the runway lights look. They look different than the taxi lights, in a bad way. They look bigger-fatter, less precise-more blurry and not 3D-like. Is that because of a problem in my system, or is it intended?

Thanks in advance! Can't wait for Cpoenhagen and Schiphol!

Giorgos Ioannou

Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:06 am

Re: C-130

Post by EmilG » Mon May 26, 2014 2:37 pm

yami_jordi wrote:Hello, I'm the guy who wrote on facebook and I just registered an account here, as advised. Thessaloniki is my favourite FSX scenery, I want to congratulate you on a job magnificently done. Now, on to my questions:

I know for a fact that all greek C-130s are stationed at Elefsis outside of Athens. I want to know if there's a way to get rid of the C-130 without removing the rest of the statics.

The other thing that seems a bit weird is the way the runway lights look. They look different than the taxi lights, in a bad way. They look bigger-fatter, less precise-more blurry and not 3D-like. Is that because of a problem in my system, or is it intended?

Thanks in advance! Can't wait for Cpoenhagen and Schiphol!

Giorgos Ioannou
Hi Giorgo,

Thanks for your kind words :)
About C-130, from a very recent trip, C130 was parked in front of the Olympic service hangar quite a few times. That's why it was included originally.

To remove it:
1. run the scenery manager and make sure the Apron Statics are 'activated'
2. find the file 'LGTS_StaticsApron.bgl' located into ''FSX folderAerosoft\Thessaloniki X\Thessaloniki X_1\scenery'' and rename it to 'LGTS_StaticsApron.old'
3. grab the attached file, unzip and drop the ''LGTS_StaticsApron.bgl' into that folder above.

Runway lights, those are controlled via AESLite which is specific for rwy light functionality (different from taxi lights). Taxi lights are seen from all angles whereas rwy lights must only be visible from approach angle. They shouldn't be creating much problems though, have some screenshot perhaps to check everything is ok?
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Joined: Mon May 26, 2014 10:47 am
FS-Version: FS9

Re: C-130 [LGTS]

Post by yami_jordi » Tue May 27, 2014 11:38 pm

I can not thank you enough, Emilie! Outstanding support from your side. FSDG is one of the best FS developers around, and rightly so. I'd like to thank you for the clarification regarding the runway lights, as well. Reading that made me believe that everything is fine on my system, but I also included one screenshot just to be sure. Είσαι κορυφή!!! Χίλια ευχαριστώ!

Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:06 am

Re: C-130 [LGTS]

Post by EmilG » Wed May 28, 2014 2:14 pm

Euxaristw :)

Your rwy lights appear fine but look a bit too 'red', perhaps you have REX installed? REX themes affect how rwy lights look, I find some REX themes create a nice yellow glow, while other might create some more 'reddish' one. In any case, they look fine :)

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