Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

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Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:18 pm


What's the status on the update for the Seychelles scenery for MSFS? I'm still having multiple issues with it reported months ago.

- default aerials shining through (can be seen at Praslin airport over the beach close to runway 33 when landing)
- often, some distant islands are completely white from a distance like they're lacking textures
- weird blueish colors have appeared at some beaches (various islands, see screenshot example)
- strange tree colors and what seems like incompatible trees can be seen on some islands (see screenshot 2 below)
- the strange haze layer close to the ground is still present at some of the islands (around the coast, been reported before)
- huge white bricks are also still present at all airstrips where white markings are defining the airstrip
- flattening issues (or the lack of flattening) causing extreme runway slopes at various islands
- still have tons of spots missing trees and buildings for most islands
- many extremely rough coastlines and elevation issues with beach textures creeping up steep hills etc

The scenery which I paid 30 EUR for is basically a beta at best in its current state. Has this scenery been abandoned?
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.01.03 -
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.01.03 -
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.01.03 -
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2023.01.03 -

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:50 am


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by horst18519 » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:33 am

We're looking into some of these things. Some cannot be changed at the moment, for example the "floating" reefs around the island. MSFS currently does not allow custom waterclass, so we had to find other ways of creating the reefs.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 11:41 pm

What about the low res aerials used throughout the scenery? Some places are worse than others. Bing maps now have fully updated aerials covering the entire Seychelles in much better resolution. These concrete bricks at various grass strips are also bugging me. It's not there by default. About the floating reefs, the problem is that they're at 10 feet MSL. If it's possible to lower them down to sea level I think the problem would have been solved because it only affects certain islands while others are perfectly fine.

I was experimenting with MSFS2020 Map Enhancement for the Seychelles. Is there any way I can disable the aerials that come with the scenery just to try the new latest aerials from bing using this tool? Any files I can temporarily remove to test?

Other bugs to add to the list:

* many beautiful reefs are missing throughout various islands
* Poivre seems to be missing. At least I can't find this place
* Hold short line for runway 33 at Praslin is missing
* Many heliports and additional parking spots are missing at some of the airports (there's supposed to be one at Fregate island)

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:29 pm

* Now also having double runway lights at FSIA as well as default runway visible at FSIA and FSPP.

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by horst18519 » Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:37 pm

We'll look into it.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:28 am

Good. Is it possible to remove some files from the scenery to be able to test out the latest bing maps aerials using MSFS map enhancement? Right now it's being overridden by the custom aerials included in the scenery which are very low resolution.

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by horst18519 » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:16 pm

We'll look into that as well.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:25 pm

To further add to the list:

* hold short line is also missing for the opposite runway at FSPP
* cars parked at Praslin have extremely low res textures (can post screenshot)
* multiple cases with grass where it shouldn't be (Praslin and most islands, can also provide screenshots. Grass on roads, concrete, beaches etc)
* parts of the fence surrounding FSPP are missing
* a sailboat is grounded on the beach at Cousine Island (along with elevation and water issues as for most islands)

I don't want to flood the thread with screenshots, but they can be provided on request. There's quite a bit of work needed for this scenery. It's technically an alpha version in its current state. Hopefully it will be revisited soon and fixed/improved.

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:18 am

Any updates regarding bugfixes etc?

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by horst18519 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:31 pm

We will release an update for this scenery later this year, but it's currently not our top priority.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by JonnyT » Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:50 am

Just to jump in on this, in the update can you please correct the scenery alignment (the runway mainly) so that it matches navigraph, currently I am sick of seeing 2 runways and flying a 2 degree offset approach despite multiple attempts to redo the navigraph ordering (I think the priority stuff changed after SU10 so none of the previous fixes work to stop the overlaying of the runway data)

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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by horst18519 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:53 am

We updated the scenery to v1.4. Several of the mentioned things have been addressed: ... :_:16.html

MSFS still has some bugs we can't work around, like runway start point offsets or flickering reef textures.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles issues 2.0 (MSFS)

Post by sibbe83 » Thu Jun 08, 2023 2:33 pm

When will this new version be available on simmarket? Just checked and it's still version 1.3.

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