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FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:57 pm
by Curry52
I am a satisfied user of your product.
However, since the last MSFS update of October 19, in your production "FSDG Mauritius", I noticed that the lagoon located south of "Morne Brabant" had "risen" to the surface. See the screenshot below

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:58 pm
by horst18519
A fix is already on the way. We expect this to be released soon (v1.3.1).

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:15 pm
by Curry52

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:38 pm
by Curry52
Pourrais-je savoir, où en est la mise à jour annoncée ?

May I know, when can we expect the announced update ?
Thank you

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:59 pm
by horst18519
Sorry for the delay. Version v1.3 is now available for download.


Let me know if there are any issues. ;-)

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:39 pm
by Curry52
Thanks, I was able to install it without any problem. :)
Via another post, I will share with you my impressions of this version 1.3.

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:25 am
by Curry52
Hello - Bonjour

I am very disappointed with your version 1.3.
Nothing has been reworked. It appears that you just deleted the tiles and now the very incomplete images from BING / MSFS are displayed. The mountain of "Morne Brabant" (emblematic mountain of Mauritius) comes down to a cone-shaped elevation without any quality.
The basic tiles were admittedly not very detailed but they had the merit of covering the incomplete landscape portions of BING / MSFS.
It is not serious work and respectful of your clients. :cry:

Je suis très déçu par votre version 1.3.
Rien n'a été retravaillé. Il apparait que vous vous êtes contenté de supprimer les tuiles et c'est maintenant les images très incomplètes issues de BING/MSFS qui s'affichent. La montagne du "Morne Brabant" (montagne emblèmatique de l'ile Maurice) se résume à une élévation en forme de cône sans aucun qualité.
Les tuiles de base étaient certes peu détaillées mais elle avaient le mérite de couvrir les portions de paysage incomplètes de BING/MSFS.
Ce n'est pas un travail sérieux et respectueux de vos clients.

Christian Voué (alias Curry52)

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:20 pm
by horst18519
Looks like there's something wrong with your installation.
Our imagery covers 100% of the island.

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:32 pm
by Curry52
I just reinstalled everything after downloading again the file again.

You will find screenshots of the successive steps

1. files before decompress
fichier avant décompression.PNG
1. files before decompress
fichiers décompressés.PNG
2. files after decompress
dossier community.PNG
3. files in community folder
In this update, wouldn't a directory be missing?
In addition to the screens of the installation some captures of the sad result.
FIMP MAP_mini.jpg
4. Map of FIMP surronding
fimp8 copie.jpg
5. flight over "the morne Brabant" mountain
Am I downloading to the right place ???

Thank you for your interest ;-)

Christian VOUE (curry52)

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 12:40 am
by horst18519
Not sure what happened there, but as you assumed, that's not how the addon should look like.
Did it work before?

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:32 am
by Curry52
Hello and thank you for your quick reaction ;-)

The previous version worked well except for the design of the lagoon emerging on the surface at the foot of "Morne Brabant".
Do you think the fix offered for download is complete?
I use, for the download, the link proposed in your email (see attachment 1)
Is this the way I should proceed?
The previous version had been uninstalled as prescribed.
Couldn't you possibly provide me with a link to an alternative download address
...Or another suggestion 8-)

Christian VOUE (Curry52)

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:28 pm
by horst18519
Everything seems to be correct.
Can you please tell me the size of the file 'sai032.cgl' in the \FSDG-Mauritius_Ortho_17\CGL\301 folder?

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:02 pm
by Curry52

The file size "sai032.cgl" is: 3.947.123 KB
Sai032_cgl.PNG (10.11 KiB) Viewed 11404 times
Is the date of 03/26/21 normal, knowing that this is a recent update?

Christian VOUE

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:53 pm
by horst18519
That seems to be correct.
Are both "addons" activated in your content manager? Mauritius and Mauritius Ortho 17

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:35 pm
by Curry52
Both addons appear to be open in the content manager as shown in this attached screenshot.
gestionnaire de contenus.PNG
On the other hand I do not know if this is important, but in the file "Content.xml" Mauritius appears only once
gestionnaire de contenus.PNG

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:20 pm
by horst18519
Yes, that is important. Please remove the ortho folder, start MSFS, shut down MSFS, add the folder and start MSFS again. It should then be added automatically to the content.xml.

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:03 pm
by Curry52
I did as you just suggested to me and unfortunately it does not work.
The "Ortho" folder still does not appear in "content.xml"
The FIMP airport is modeled correctly but still no tile, it is still the BING imagery that appears
I subsequently moved ALL the content of the Community.
Relaunched MSFS with a virgin community.
Released from MSFS
Pasted only "main and Ortho" in the community folder
Restarted MSFS still without result
I'm a little desperate to find a solution.
Thank you for your interest...

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:08 am
by Curry52
1. First, a question :
the old version consisted of 3 folders:
The "Veg" folder no longer appears in the new version. Is this normal ?

2. I made a new test :
I pasted the "Ortho" folder first. I started MSFS and there the full island convert is correct.
I cut MSFS and pasted the "main" folder then I restarted MSFS and there, the cover disappeared and it is the default BING cover that appears.
Is there a problem in the corrective writing of the "Main"?

3. With the old version, in the "content.xml" file there is no line dedicated to "Ortho" only the "Main" and "Veg" lines exist.
In the new version, only “main” appears.

Kind regards

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:06 am
by Curry52
With the old version :

Re: FIMP Upgrade MSFS October 19 effects

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:16 am
by horst18519
Looks like the layout.json is missing in the ortho folder.