Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

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Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:07 pm

I just bought (FIMP) Mauritius Airport & Island with in MS In sim Marketplace (I use steam) and when I select FIMP as departure from GA parking spot and click "Fly Now" it freezes the sim. Probably and after SIM Update 5 issue that you peeps need to fix and send and updated code to them.

When I delete your FIMP and select it again and click fly now it does not freeze and works but offcource not with your better scenery.
It does not show any version in the marketplace but showed 1.2.0 package during download/install.

I also bought LGRP Rhodes Airport and it works.

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:04 pm

Dear FSDG,

Please talk fix your (FIMP) Mauritius Airport & Island because after hotfix the problem stays exactly the same.
It's very obvious your add on that does not work.
If I depart from FIMP on GA Large parking spot with Carenado Seneca V with total empty community folder the sim stops responding.
I have don't have any problems with all other sim related issues. It's rock solid.
Please fix this or I want my money back if this can't be fixed.

With kind regards,

Sven Wullaet
Screenshot 2021-07-30 225716_.jpg

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:34 am

I have a friend that has the same add on he bought from Aerosoft and that's version 1.1 and works after Sim Update 5 + hotfix. I see in manifest.json mine from in sim purchase as with MannyFS2020 too it shows "package_version": "1.2.0". Can I het version 1.1 too please.

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:24 am

Any update about solution?

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:05 am

Also after Hot Fix 2 the add on departing from FIMP with your add on installed = SIM freeze. I want a refund. This is taking too long. Do you give support or not?

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:59 am

We're currently figuring out what causes the crashes for some users (only few seem to be affected). Due to the holiday season here and at the MSFS development team, this takes longer than usual.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by phantomflyer » Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:44 pm

SparkySven wrote:
Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:05 am
Also after Hot Fix 2 the add on departing from FIMP with your add on installed = SIM freeze. I want a refund. This is taking too long. Do you give support or not?
Hello folks,

Let's please try to give Thorsten and the FSDG technical team some air to breathe. Yes, it's disappointing to purchase a fairly expensive add-on to find out that it simply doesn't work; in my case it wasn't working from day one because I only bought it yesterday - well over a week after SU5 and hot-fixes to find it not working at all from day 1.

After I contacted Microsoft (whom didn't seem to care one iota and only offered a refund instead of technical advice which is irresponsible in my humble opinion), I then contacted FSDG via email and Thorsten REPLIED TO ME WITHIN AN HOUR to apologize and to say that SU5 caused this bug and that it would be fixed as expeditiously as possible. That kind of attitude coming straight from a developer speaks volumes and is the reason I didn't request a refund from Microsoft. So, thank you for your prompt and honest reply, Thorsten. 👍

Asobo/'Microsoft have an AWFUL track record of breaking more than they fix with each and every "update" they release. Therefore this issue isn't solely FSDG's fault - it's Asobo and Microsoft NOT COMMUNICATING and NOT SHARING THE CODE of an altered FS engine WITH THE VERY DEVELOPERS with whom they utilize from within THEIR VERY OWN FS2020 Marketplace! Therefore we really shouldn't be solely and righteously blaming only FSDG for this mess. If Microsoft/Asobo knows about this problem, why do they continue to leave it for sale within the sim's Marketplace? At the very least they need to place a disclaimer in the product's description. But they've done neither. Again, that's irresponsible of both Microsoft and Asobo in my humble opinion.

Thorsten's reply to me was very kind and very courteous - it was obvious to me that he was nothing but very genuine and very sorry for this sort of thing to occur and that he wanted nothing more than to have this entire s**t-show fixed ASAP.

In order for this to happen, both Asobo and Microsoft need to step up to the plate to take responsibility so this kind of thing doesn't happen again. They MUST communicate with the very 3rd party developers that they utilize in their own Marketplace to discuss changes and how to integrate their software so it's seamless.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding harsh here - I, too, am frustrated by this entire mess (and others starting with SU5) and am still awaiting an apology from both MS and Asobo - I, unfortunately, doubt we'll get one that honestly cuts through their arrogance; How difficult is it for someone to genuinely say "I'm very sorry"?

I think (I hope :-O) I've made my point here, so let's just try to hang in there for a while and let these folks do the magic that they do without breathing scorching hot air down their collective collars. A little bit of patience and a whole lot of respect goes a long way. I've never been yelled at by 3rd party developers and couldn't begin to imagine how badly that sort of thing would affect me. This is why I wouldn't be yelling at FSDG. They deserve to be treated with respect.

In closing, I'm 100% confident that FSDG (with assistance from Asobo and Microsoft) are addressing this issue head-on and that we'll all have bug free versions of Mauritius sooner than we anticipated.

Blue Skies Folks :cool:

***EDIT: Having spoken to a dozen or so MSFS2020 VATSIM pilots around the world, FSDG's Mauritius/FIMP is causing a freeze in every one of their PC's. Apparently this a not an isolated problem - it's affecting everyone who purchased this from MSFS2020 Marketplace on a PC. I haven't found any Xbox users to date, so I cannot comment about that platform.***
:cool: If it works, don't try to fix it :cool:

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Sun Aug 15, 2021 8:51 am

There is still no solution. No official comments from the developers themself what is also bad. Knowing and their acknowledgment would be nice. Yes Ms Asobo push out updates sim and or world updates before beta testing it with 3rd party developers what is bad practice. They listen and listed beta version will become available for this purpose is a step forwards in the good direction. But it’s been long enough to fix these problems. All planes and other developers I buy extras from have solved all sim update 5 related problems.

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Sun Aug 15, 2021 10:23 am

You can consider me a "developer myself" and my comments official. ;-)
We are in talks with MSFS on a quick solution. We're pretty sure we know the issue by now, but the queue is very long on their side, so it might take time for them to test and update the scenery. That is nothing we can control from our side.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by phantomflyer » Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:23 pm

Thanks for the update Thorsten. I'm hanging on until a fix is released even though I'm offered a refund from Microsoft. I look at it this way - I already paid for a scenery that I've had on my wish list for quite some time. If I took a refund now, I'd only have to spend that money to get a working version of the same scenery. I have faith that this issue will be dealt with because you have maintained communication with both Microsoft and the end user - that's me. There is little logic in bouncing funds between my bank and yours only to see it winding up back in your bank again. It's not as though you have ignored the issue - quite the contrary - you've kept me in the loop. I appreciate that you've done that and I trust that this situation will be sorted out.
:cool: If it works, don't try to fix it :cool:

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:49 pm

The scenery worked before, and it will work again. It'll just take 1-2 weeks until we ran some tests and update the scenery.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by phantomflyer » Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:51 pm

Hello Thorsten,

Any news yet as to a fix for this? MS has been helping other (ORBX and others) developers patch their MarketPlace products broken by SU5 - they should do the same for you. If they haven't kept you informed, they need a good rap over their knuckles because they're taking too long and FIMP is still for sale in FS MarketPlace - By law, they MUST remove all broken products because the fine for selling products known to be defective is extremely expensive.
:cool: If it works, don't try to fix it :cool:

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Sat Aug 28, 2021 8:27 pm

They already have an updated version, but it will take until it's tested on their side and ready to be released.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by phantomflyer » Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:18 am

Well, WU6 came out today and still nothing for FIMP - NOTHING! I therefore am not going to wait for much longer and will be requesting a full refund within 24hours. You've had well over over 5 weeks to fix this - it is beyond comprehension that it went on for this long. I was more than patient in my earliest replies but can no longer hang on to hope of this issue ever being fixed
:cool: If it works, don't try to fix it :cool:

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by SparkySven » Wed Sep 08, 2021 7:13 am

After WU6 Still have it under my removed not installed list and no update revision available. Guessing no update yet. What version should it show when this problem is fixed?

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:20 am

I can't tell at the moment, because their test team is still processing our test version.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:00 am

We expect to have a working version in the Marketplace within 24 hours.
- Thorsten -


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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by MannyFS2020 » Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:52 am

Checked still no new version on Marketplace - crashing on loading screen remains.

Whats the latest please ?

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Re: Mauritius - FS2020 --> fly now = sim freeze

Post by horst18519 » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:10 pm

The MSFS team has confirmed it is an issue with the encryption, not the actual scenery. We now have a work-around and a new version that is likely to work with the encryption. It's currently unclear if we release the (temporary) work-around or the new version. We hope they will decide and act before the weekend.
- Thorsten -


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