Pilots of the Caribbean Mission Load Problems

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Pilots of the Caribbean Mission Load Problems

Post by karlwolff » Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:17 pm

I bought POTC from SimMarket yesterday and I am getting errors, specifically "Error loading scenario objects" during the P3Dv4.5.11 load. Evidently files are missing from the designated folders...

Below is the error log for the "Deja Vu" mission, but all missions have similar errors. Is the installer from SimMarket the latest? Any help would be much appreciated!

Boat_Stuck Warning: Invalid identification number
Boat_Stuck Warning: Unable to create AIType
Dia_Rumble_5 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\SFX_Rumble_5.wav
Dia_Rumble_4 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\SFX_Rumble_4.wav
Dia_Rumble_3 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\SFX_Rumble_3.wav
Dia_Rumble_2 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\SFX_Rumble_2.wav
Dia_Rumble_1 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\SFX_Rumble_1.wav
Dia_39 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\Dia_39.wav
Dia_38 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\Dia_38.wav
Dia_37 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\Dia_37.wav
Dia_36 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\Dia_36.wav
Dia_35 Error: Cannot find wav or ogg file: C:\Users\BEAST\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSDG-Pilots of the Caribbean\Scenarios\POTC - Chapter 1 - Deja Vu\Dia_35.wav
RealismOverrides Information: Using default CrashBehavior (AutoRecover)
RealismOverrides Information: Using default AvatarNoCollision (Disabled)
RealismOverrides Information: Using default AircraftLabels (Enabled)
RealismOverrides Information: Using default FlightRealism (Relaxed)
RealismOverrides Information: Using default WorldRealism (Relaxed)
ObjectActivationAction Warning: Target object #1 already activated
ObjectActivationAction Warning: Target object #1 already deactivated
ObjectActivationAction Warning: Target object #5 already deactivated
ObjectActivationAction Warning: Target object #1 already deactivated
Dia_Rumble_2 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_Rumble_3 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_Rumble_4 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_Rumble_1 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_19 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_27 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_35 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_36 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_37 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_38 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_39 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_Dummy Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.
Dia_Rumble_5 Warning: Action is unreferenced and will never fire with ExecuteUnreferencedActions set to False.

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Re: Pilots of the Caribbean Mission Load Problems

Post by horst18519 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:17 pm

The mission should work despite those error messages. You can disable these messages in the settings - they're actually only meant to be used by developers and testers.
- Thorsten -


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