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Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:36 pm
by Martin_Starski

Firstly I'd like to say that Graz is the next "pearl" in flightsim market, together with beautiful Thessaloniki scenery - my congratulations for FSDG team!


So far after one flight I've noticed two things:

-> Firstly after landing in Graz I wasn't able to choose the right stand via GSX although my airport cache was reloaded for sure - can you check if the similar problem can be generated on your side?
The choice was very limited and only to the stands described as "too small".

-> Second thing is that the approach / runway lights seems to not be automatically switched on in bad weather conditions. I even changed the visibility to 500m, but all airport lights were still off (of course in day time) - thanks God for working PAPI lights ;) Can you check if this function is considered in case of your scenery? On the other hand it can be very useful to let us choose if they could be switched on all the time (day and night) - some developers already give such option in the configuration tool, so maybe you can take it into consideration too.


Re: Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:29 pm
by horst18519
I'm not aware of an airport addon that handles lights in a realistic fashion (mostly because no simulator has any automatic algorithm for IFR conditions yet). I assume some use SODE or AES or just allow the user to manually switch runway lights on or off. We could include an optional switch in the scenery config tool but to be honest we never had this request before.

Regarding GSX we did not run into any problems:
It is possible though that GSX thinks your at "LOG1" instead of "LOWG". We had to split the airport into 3 airports to allow a realistic AI usage of all 3 runways (see manual). Unfortunately GSX isn't clever enough to realize you're in an airliner and won't want to park at the GA apron.
We can put this item on the update list, though. Since we wanted users of default airport vehicles to use them in a realistic way we moved the parking positions to avoid those default vehicles to park inside the buildings. That leads to unrealistic parking positions when using GSX, so an optional alternative AFD file for GSX users seems to make sense.

Re: Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:45 pm
by Martin_Starski
From my point of view, I will be really happy to have such option in the config tool, which allows me to leave the current status or make runway lights on all the time. For example such feature is available in case of Copenhagen and is very useful, especially in bad weather conditions. BTW: as far as I heard somewhere, FSDG has a hand in this piece of art :-P

With refernce to GSX, it was my first flight to LOWG and of course I will try to keep an eye on this case. The thing was that after loading to the scenery everything seems to work fine for GSX, but the problem took place after flight from the other airport. LOG1 can be a correct diagnosis as all available stands were identified by GSX as "too small".

Again huge thanks for your awesome sceneries and professional support. FSDG rocks! :cool:

Re: Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:52 pm
by horst18519
Copenhagen allows that, correct. What I meant is that I'm not aware of a scenery that automatically detects if conditions allow/require lights because FSX and P3D don't have the variables for this. Optional lights were also part of Ayers Rock and Paro but we found that 90% of the time users just want to use a scenery without having to set up anything, run a tool or read the manual to learn how to handle scenery options.
We'll consider it though. Alternative lighting that's controlled manually in the config tool is certainly an option.

Re: Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 1:05 pm
by Wills
I also have the same issue with GSX thinking I'm at the wrong airport. I opened the GSX menu when I was already on the main apron and it only showed very few parking positions, none of which were suitable for my A320.

Re: Graz in P3D v2.5

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:40 pm
by horst18519
For all GSX users who have problems with Graz please see this topic: viewtopic.php?p=7019#p7019