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Seychelles X

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:28 pm
by sibbe83

I purchased this scenery from Aerosoft when it was released, through simmarket. This is so far my favourite scenery and I've spent a lot of time with it. However, I've noticed a few bugs. At Praslin, on the appron there are a couple of spots where you can see gravel behind your wheels when you taxi. This also requires you to add quite a bit of power to keep moving due to change in friction asphalt vs gravel/dirt. Not really a big deal, but annoying.

Also, sometimes if I change airplane on the appron at Praslin the aircraft is suddenly 3-5 feet above the ground, hovering in the air. Need to restart the sim in order to get rid of this. There is also an issue at FSIA as well as Praslin where you sometimes can see the default runway shining through. Looks like a conflict with default scenery.

Also, it would be really nice to have more dense forest on the that we have the beautiful Trees HD from ORBX. This would be stunning. I love this product and can't stop using it.

I read about an update coming for this product. Any news on this?

Btw I'm using Prepar3D v2.5.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:33 am
by horst18519
Thanks for your feedback, we're happy you like the scenery so much!

Praslin has an asphalt runway, but it's used only a few times a day, so we decided to make it quite dirty, hence the dirt spray.
As for the other issues, I'd have to see some screenshot to be able to take care of that, we haven't had any reports on those.

If you use another addon that replaces default autogen models (like ftx) it will change the outlook of every scenery that makes use of default autogen, so the Seychelles will look a bit different depending on if you use ftx or not.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:48 am
by sibbe83
Thank you for the quick reply!

Regarding Praslin the appron is solid asphalt, except for some "holes" in the ground where you notice the aircraft is like "falling down" and you need a lot of power to keep moving. Then if you continue rolling you get "out of the hole again" to solid asphalt. This is obviously a bug, and can be annoying.

I also noticed that the white sand in the photoscenery looks very bright in P3D. Not as much in FSX. Especially the beaches.

I'll take some screenshots to show what I mean.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:26 pm
by horst18519
If you enable HDR in P3D the contrast between bright and dark textures is intensified. Although this makes everything look a bit more spectacular it has some downsides. One of them is that bright surfaces and textures often look too bright. To prevent this the only option is to turn off HDR in P3D settings.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:10 pm
by sibbe83
I have HDR lighting turned off. Don't like the HDR lighting in P3D.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:52 pm
by horst18519
Ok, that's surprising. Screenshots would help to look further into those issues.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:33 am
by sibbe83
Here are some screenshots taken in P3D v2.5. I don't have FSX installed anymore, so I can't provide screens from FSX. HDR lighting off. The issue with the very bright white sand areas is an issue only in P3D as I remember. Been awhile since I had FSX installed and was using this scenery in FSX.

Also look at the picture where the main wheels on the airplane is falling into the ground. This is also when you start seeing dirt coming off the wheels, and you also need a lot of power to keep rolling due to higher friction because of this "hole" in the ground. This happens just after you start taxiing from parking 1 and 2.

I going to see if I can recreate the issue with the plane hovering 3-5 feet in the air at praslin. And also the issue with default scenery shining through at FSIA and Praslin (this happens every now and then, not every time).

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:41 pm
by horst18519
Ok, those bright areas we cannot change, the sun's quite high in the sky on the Seychelles (the country's islands actually span onto both sides of the equator), so sandy areas can look really bright white there.

As for the dirt at Praslin, I think you're right, that shouldn't be there. Please use the attached file and overwrite the original file in the Seychelles X/Scenery folder.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:05 pm
by sibbe83
Thank you for your support. I copied the file to my seychelles scenery folder and that worked pretty well, thank you so much :)

I guess the issue with the bright beaches is a P3D issue, and nothing you can do much about. It goes away when you change the time of the day.

Regarding the issue at FSIA. I managed to recreate this issue. I've included some screenshots of the problem.

I've also included a screenshot of the trees autogen at Praslin. It looks very funny layed out. A dense rectangle with autogen and very sparsely placed autogen trees around it. Is it possible to have very dense trees autogen covering all the islands? This issue is also applicable to most of the other islands as well, including FSIA.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:55 pm
by horst18519
What other addons do you use that could have caused those results? ftx? Some mesh addon?

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:20 pm
by sibbe83
I use FTX Global and Trees HD from Orbx. No mesh sceneries.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:22 pm
by sibbe83
Btw, the trees autogen issue is also present on the pictures of the scenery at Aerosoft's website.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:27 pm
by horst18519
That should not be the case, this is how it should actually look:
As developers we're not happy with other addons changing default files like autogen models. There are quite a few addons out there that exchange default autogen models, so it's impossible to create an addon with autogen that looks exactly the same no matter if our customers use default autogen or one of the autogen addons. We usually create our sceneries based on default autogen models and try to make them work with other products, at least the popular ftx series. In this case it looks as if that product dramatically changes the outlook of the autogen definitions and models, something we cannot control from within our scenery. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do here except suggest disabling ftx products if you fly in areas with other addons. As a general rule you should always activate only those sceneries you're going to use on the flight you're about to start. This way you're minimizing the chances of interference between the many different addons you installed in your FSX.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:11 pm
by sibbe83
I'll try to contact Orbx to see what they have to say regarding the issue with the trees autogen.

Do you have any idea why the underlaying terrain (default scenery) is shining through sometimes at both FSIA and Praslin? Could be other airports as well, but I have only noticed this issue at FSIA and Praslin. Is this an FTX Global issue?

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:28 pm
by horst18519
That other issue looks like a mesh or flatten problem. It would be necessary to disable all other sceneries in the scenery library to find the culprit.
For testing those things it's always a good idea to set ftx mode to default.

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:12 pm
by islandking
Hi guys,

I hope no one minds if I butt-in :-) Love the Seychelles scenery and use it everyday, I also notice the same bugs as sibbe83. I also have an additional error with the mesh elevation for St Anne island and its surrounding smaller islands, they are all flat which they should be mountains specifically in P3Dv2 and also in P3Dv3 (they are fine in FSX) which I use primarily now. I have attached a few pictures showing other slight errors to the scenery. BTW the bright sandy beaches are correct... I live on Praslin!

Hope they get corrected for the Prepar3d v3 updated installer.

Warmest regards from the tropics.


Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:45 am
by horst18519
Thanks for the feedback. We will try to update the scenery as soon as possible for P3Dv3 and include some small additions/fixes as well. Do you have any additional requests for the scenery?

Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:48 pm
by islandking
Thats great news, I will be heading to the airport (FSPP) tomorrow if I get the chance I'll try taking some pictures maybe you can add any changes to the scenery. I have no access to FSIA for the time being but there are a few changes there, specially on finals to RWY 31 a good few more buildings on Eden, Solei and Perseverance islands.


Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:30 pm
by islandking
Hi Thorsten,

I sent you a PM please check.

I have a small error on ILS31 when on autoland at FSIA, I always touchdown on the left of the runnway even without wind.


Re: Seychelles X

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:25 pm
by thokle
Could you also please add some 3D people to bring the islands to life?!