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Flight Tales II - Adrenaline P3DV2.5

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:34 pm
by flyingsub
I bought this from Aerosoft (sorry). It looks amazing I would like to run this in P3DV2.5

If possible, how do I do this?

Re: Flight Tales II - Adrenaline P3DV2.5

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:42 pm
by horst18519
We're sorry to say FTII are not compatible with P3D. Prepar3D includes a rather limited mission system, very unlike the FSX mission system, so it was impossible to ensure P3D compatibility.
We're considering a seperate mission product (with more simple missions) for P3D, but that would be a completely seperate product. If you don't have FSX (you can get FSX Gold or FSX Steam Edition for very good prices these days!), you won't be able to use FTII. We pointed this out clearly on the product pages, sorry to see you missed that. If you want to return the product, please contact the Aerosoft shop support.