St Vincent, is this it?

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St Vincent, is this it?

Post by mikced » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:32 pm


I just purchased St Vincent but I dont know if I am spoiled by other developers sceneries but for the price you ask I have to say I am a little dissapointed. Have a look at the mesh problems at these images, is it supposed to look like this in the scenery or is it my settings? It does not look like this in real life, its much smoother terrain variations (pic 1 and 2). Also where is the 3D grass, its desperately needed. Long time since I purchased an addon that did not feature it! In addition there is a road with cars etc going up the hill on the left side when approaching rwy 04, not even modeled at all (pic 3). And the very distinct terrain in (pic 4) is not modeled.

Other premium developers with similar price points have so much more details to their airports. I enjoyed your Reunion and Mauritius sceneries but honestly this feels rushed. Can we expect a patch or is this it?

Island and autogen overall looks good!


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Re: St Vincent, is this it?

Post by horst18519 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:58 pm

Thanks for your feedback.
We decided against 3D grass for this airport since the real airport has very, very small/low grass which would either not be visible at all or look bad if we tried to do it in FSX/P3D. I agree it always looks nice if you have 3D grass on airports, but unfortunately most of those 3D grass coverages you see in other addons are not realistic at all. Real world airports often mow the grass quite short.

The approach lights with the connecting road have been built after we visited the airport (late 2017). We will probably include those as soon as we have more documentation about those lights.

I'd suggest using 5m mesh settings instead of 1m, but your screenshots more or less show how it looks on our computers.

As for the price we try to give our customers the best possible prices. A scenery covering more than 400 square kilometers with 2 airports, 2 additional airstrips, complete aerial imagery and autogen coverage, high resolution mesh and a lot more for less than 20 USD is something I would consider an unbeatable deal. How much would you be willing to pay for that?
- Thorsten -


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Re: St Vincent, is this it?

Post by mikced » Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:29 pm

Better put it like this. I would pay 40 dollars if Agrye was up to Orbx or FlyTampa airport standard. This in its present stage at least I regret purchasing. I cant see why the mesh result in such problems in your products (edges at Garros in Reunion were not all that great along the sealine either) But if anything, at least please fix the approach to Rwy 4. It does not look at all like that in real life. Please have a look at the two images, same Airport approach? Must be something that can be done about this?

About 3D grass, I disagree especially after looking at a lot of youtube Argyle images and youtube videos today but if you dont want to add it, not much I can do.


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Re: St Vincent, is this it?

Post by Max » Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:46 pm

I must agree with St Vincent. I have buy it today and have the same visuals. Paying 30-40 Euro and everything looks like it is in real life. With St Lucia i am happy. If you do an update/upgrade with better quality and better terrain on the runwayedge for those people who are willing to pay for that, will be a fair deal. There is so much potential in your scenerys. I would pay for better visuals. So long... :)

TVSV from runway. Some small bad looking issues like the houses on the hill...come on FSDG. Back to the roots!


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