Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

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Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by fabs79 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:02 am


I installed Seychelles V2 into P3D V4 using the new installer I downloaded from Simmarket, and everything seemed to be ok. When I start my flight at FSIA or Praslin and choose a parking position, my plane is placed correctly on the ground. But when I try to takeoff from Denis Island, Bird Island or Platte (and probably others I haven`t checked yet), the aircraft is placed several feet below the ground (I can see the grass above me). Strangely enough, if I fly into these islands from another place, I can land there without issues and park my plane next to the runway, everything is displayed correctly. But when I save that scenario and reload it again, I´m placed below the ground again. So I cannot start a flight at any of these islands without flying there from FSIA or Praslin first. I thought it might be an elevation issue caused by FTX Vector, but the islands that are affected don`t even have an AEC file in the Vector control panel, so it must be something else.
Any ideas?


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Re: Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by horst18519 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:20 am

Does that also happen if you save the scenario restart P3D and load the scenario?
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by fabs79 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:07 pm

horst18519 wrote:Does that also happen if you save the scenario restart P3D and load the scenario?
Yes it does. I wanted to do a round trip to all the islands, one flight per day. I flew from FSIA to Praslin and saved the scenario, loaded it the next day with my aircraft still in the correct spot, flew from Praslin to Denis Island without issues and saved the scenario again. When I loaded that one on the next day, the plane was placed several feet below the ground, with the buildings and grass hovering above me. The same happens when I try to start from Platte or Bird Island, the other ones I haven`t checked yet. It also happens when I select the one of those islands from the "Go to Airport-menu". But if I fly to any of those from FSIA or Praslin, everything looks perfectly normal, and I can touch down on the runway on regular ground level with buildings, grass etc. where it should be. Though I can still use the scenery that way, it would be nice to be able to start from the more remote islands without having to fly there first.
On a side note, FSDG Seychelles is still one of my favourite sceneries ever, if only that annoying bug could be resolved somehow.

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Re: Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by horst18519 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:23 pm

Please try the attached files (copy into FSDG-Seychelles/scenery and FSDG/scenery/world/scenery folder) to see if that fixes the problem.
(2.65 KiB) Downloaded 380 times
- Thorsten -


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Re: Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by fabs79 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:45 pm

Thank you, I'll try that tomorrow when I get back home.

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Re: Seychelles V2 P3DV4 - Aircraft sinks into ground

Post by fabs79 » Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:07 pm

It worked! Thank you so much for the fast support. I´ll have to check the other islands if some of them are also affected, but for now everything´s good.

Cheers, Fabian

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